Dimitrovgrad – Caribrod

In case you saw about me block in which I mention Caribrod and are wondering where is this place, here are some links for you: page about Caribrod on Bulgarian wikipedia (на български) page about Dimitrovgrad on Serbian wikipedia (на српском) page about Dimitrovgrad on English wikipedia (in english 🙂 ) official web site of… Continue reading Dimitrovgrad – Caribrod

To bulgarian readers

To bulgarian readers: Съжалявам, че напоследък пиша само на английски. Не остава време да пиша и на английски и на български 🙁 Почвам лека-полека да превеждам старите неща, надявам се скоро да наваксам. Също така, махам Google рекламите за тези които разглеждат сайта на Български 😉


Sorry, my english-speaking readers, the song is in bulgarian 😀 😀

Two years of blogging

On February 25th 2005, I wrote my first post in this blog. Two years layer I think that it definitelly was a good thing for me. This will be 192nd post. I am sometimes asked why I blog. Let me explain some aspects of the answer: first, I like doing it 🙂 I speak about… Continue reading Two years of blogging

Winter photos

It has been some time since I last posted some photos. In case you miss snow and all emotion that goes with it, here you go: And another photo under CC from me: