I am using Firefox 2.0 from the time it became official release. Some of the extensions are still not working with it, but there are other functionalities which overcome this problem. For example, I enjoy using its spellcheck. I often write in engilsh, and when I’m in a hurry – spellcheck really helps to remove… Continue reading Spellcheck feature in Firefox 2.0
Author: rob
Gifts for photographers
Check out some cool (and cheap) ideas for Christmas and New year gifts for photographers.
US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud
One very interesting project US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud From the site: The above tag cloud shows the popularity, frequency, and trends in the usages of words within speeches, official documents, declarations, and letters written by the Presidents of the US between 1776 – 2006 AD.
Space Invadors – wanna play?
If you miss Space Invaders Game, check this out:
Special day
Take a look at the About me section π
Autumn with delay
It is snowing outside, so I thought that this is the last chance to show some autumn photos.
3D logic
One great logical flash game (by Microgames) Check your 3D logic I am stuck on level 16 (there are 30 levels) Update 1: I solved all 30 levels π Update 2: Since I was asked (both in comments and on email) how to pass level 16, I have played the game again and made a… Continue reading 3D logic
Ordu – friends
This summer I went to photography seminar in Ordu, Turkey. It was very interesting to meet people from other countries and practice my english π I have uploaded photo gallery named Friends. Its purpose is to show all of us who were there, so don’t be too hard on me for them Friends from Ordu… Continue reading Ordu – friends
Z-Rock radio
I used to listen rock (and some other styles, but mainly ROCK – Serbian, Bulgarian, world). For some time (years) I somehow changed my music taste and started to listen some other styles. Today I opened web page of Bulgarian Z-Rock radio . They have online radio, so I tried it. And … it rocks!… Continue reading Z-Rock radio
Balcan Ensemble Photo Session
I have no time in last few weeks, so sorry for not posting any photographs. Here is one old photo session: junior gallery senior gallery comments, critiques and suggestions are welcomed