New skin

I upgraded serendipity to the 1.2 branch. Since the old template has been arround for some time, I decided to change it. I installed Competition template by David Cummins. The previous template was with fixed width, so I kind of wanted to experiment with adjustable widh skin. I like the collors and warm feel that… Continue reading New skin

Captcha plugin

I am thinking to remove captcha plugin from my comments form. It prevents people using non-visual web browsers to comment. And, it is annoying for others (at least I know, I dont like them) But, this plugin (together with 2 more) is helping me to filter all the spam. I usually have about 100-150 spam… Continue reading Captcha plugin

Firefox extensions

Here is a list of Firefox extensions that I use: DOM inspector – DOM Inspector is a tool that can be used to inspect and edit the live DOM of any web document or XUL application. Talkback – submit a ceash report to ForecastFox – Forecastfox is an extension that brings international weather from… Continue reading Firefox extensions

Jamendo sidebar removed

After one month of free advertizing from me, I am removing the Jamendo sidebar reasons: – it looks ugly (at least on black design) – it slows page display I do still recommend their site conf

September the 30th: had conference. I was there (mainly to meet my friends from local php user group) Here are some photos I took there:

Time is Money! Is it?

I hate when I have like 20 ideas for cool projects and no time for them πŸ™ P.S. I watched the BBC series The happiness formula interesting … – is your goal wealth or happiness? – what are you actually doing to achieve your goal? it makes you wonder: is time money? should we spend… Continue reading Time is Money! Is it?