DZ – FFA – Emotion

New competition has finished on forums. The last Fight For All was titled: Emotion Here is my entry (which got only few points πŸ˜‰ )

View your site as graph

Here is an interesting project – hot to see your site as a graph This is my blog (actually the template I use from s9y):

The Four-Day Week Challenge

The Four-Day Week Challenge by Ryan Carson Hm Less IM, less blogs and forums => more time to be with your friends As simple as that Is it? I will tell you in one month or so


Remember when I said: ‘expect more photos on this blog’? Well, more photos are uploaded, just that they are not on the blog πŸ™‚ I have setup web gallery at When I am asked by some my friends: ‘where can I see your photos online’, I say that they could take a look at… Continue reading photos.robi-bobi