take a look at Bulgaria photos – I have uploaded some mine π
Author: rob
Google code: Summer of Code
click (
I have made so many photos and almost none of myself. This weekend I worked on this and here is the result – selfportrait with Title: ‘It’s not so black’ Click on thumbnail for bigger version
Brainbench certificate
Mine Brainbench certificate for job role Web Developer BCIP (Brainbench Certified Internet Professional Program) has arrived π In order to earn this certificate I have taken following exams: HTML 4.0 Programming Concepts RDBMS Concepts Web Development Concepts Perl PHP 4 SQL (ANSI) Javascript If I have payed for taking those tests (some of them are… Continue reading Brainbench certificate
Back to work
Monday and Tuesday were non-working days, due to National holiday St Kiril and St Methody. Four days of rest. Now recharged with energy – back to standard tasks. Also, I have some more ideas for my standalone projects (but, I will write about them later)
Few more pictures
Now where On the edge
My love
I believe
IT soccer
STANGA super socker team won all games until the final. There were 24 teams. We played with Telelink. Game ended with 0:0. At last Telelink had better luck with penalties – 5:4 for them. It was good game – I hope we will meet in the next league at the finals π So, second place… Continue reading IT soccer
WebTech2005 conference pictures
I have uploaded some pictures from the conference me@webtech others@webtech