On October the 16th I received a letter in which one student asked me if she may use one my picture in her assignment. The interesting thing is that I never made public link to this photo, but she found it – thanks to the search engines and apache directory indexing. (which reminds me that… Continue reading I am becoming famous – lol
WebTech 2006
Introduction: There is only one conference about web technologies in Bulgaria. However, that one conference is a very good one. It is called WebTech and it is organised by OpenIdeasCompany. They have organised two conferences so far: WebTech 2004 and WebTech 2005. I was one of lectors at WebTech 2005 with presentation about PHP PEAR.… Continue reading WebTech 2006
Google for advanced users
Do you think that you know the whole syntax of Google search engine? Take a look at this link: Google Cheat Sheet Search Features
Bulgaria – world leader in chess
At Women’s World Chess Championship (21st May – 8th June 2004) Antoaneta Stefanova became Women’s World Champion. On 13th October Veselin Topalov became Men’s World Champion Both are Bulgarians – congratulations to them and all Bulgarians over the world.
Firefox tips
Are you Firefox user? Take a look at those tips&tricks
National Geographic Bulgaria !
One really good news – National Geographic is starting its Bulgarian edition in November.
Self esteem – international survey
One interesting survey given to nearly 17,000 people in 53 nations. The survey asked people to rate how strongly they agreed or disagreed with statements such as “I am able to do things as well as most other people,” “I take a positive attitude toward myself,” and “All in all, I am inclined to feel… Continue reading Self esteem – international survey
Serendipity reloaded
For a long time I wanted to do upgrade to my blog software (I use Serendipity). Yesterday I had few minutes of free time and I decided to download latest stable version and at least take a look at READMEs. What surprised me was the fact that all I had to do is to upload… Continue reading Serendipity reloaded
Million dollar homepage
Ever wondered how to make 1 000 000 $ (one million dollars) ?!? here is the answer
Squash in Sofia – Victoria complex
I am playing squash at Victoria complex. It is under fish restaurant Captain Cook. Come, lets play together 🙂 If you don’t like this sport, then you can visit their sauna, massage, swimming pool or just have some fun during salsa or tango parties. But, I am almost sure that once you hit the ball… Continue reading Squash in Sofia – Victoria complex