
and last photo for today This one is taken at village Dragovita, about 30km from Dimitrovgrad (aka Caribrod), Serbia.


More photos for today πŸ˜€ This insect is about 6mm big. When looked from distance it looked like he had 4 legs. It actually looked like one small cartoon character made of stone πŸ™‚

two spookey photos

I was looking at photos I made at Nesebar. And I choosed one to work on it. It was nice, calm photo. However, the result was very strange, kind of scary Later, I worked on another one. Same scenario … So, I decided to show those two photos in separate post. Here are two versions… Continue reading two spookey photos

Colorful photo

I like this photo because of the colors I even tried to edit this photo in order to leave the colors only, but I am not satisfied with the result: Any suggestions?

Pictures from Nesebar, Black sea

As I promised few days ago here are some pictures from my vacation at Nesebar, Black Sea (click on a thumbnail for larger version) and I believe that you have already seen this photo:

How I name photos

This is the post that I lost I will write in short things that I remember that I wrote then I posted my photo Still alive at woophy forums i order to receove some comments and critics. One member asked me why this title and , this is what I answered him: I usually name… Continue reading How I name photos


Hosting company I used for my site has been bought by another one. Let the problems begin … Since Friday (August the 5th) I had problems with the site. Some things were predictable and they could be avoided if new company thought about them … So, after few days offline, or online with incomplite data… Continue reading Downtime

XML-RPC pings to world blog collectors and bulgarian Gossiper

Yesterday I activated Serendipity option to send data to worls famous blog collectors about my entries. As my statistics say – no visitors from there for now πŸ™‚ I was checking for links to site of one mine friend and I saw that he was linked on one strange site: http://www.kliukarka.com/ (kliukarka means gossipper in… Continue reading XML-RPC pings to world blog collectors and bulgarian Gossiper

Mozilla reorganizes

The Mozilla Foundation is creating a new wholly owned taxable subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation, to do product development and distribution for Firefox, Thunderbird, and related branded products based on the Mozilla open source code base. http://www.mozilla.org/reorganization/