My second time as sport photographer. January 3rd – Lukoil Academic vs Bree. Both teams fighted to the final end in front of the full hall. Lukoil fans should be very happy – their team managed to win a tough game (which they were losing until the final quarter), and they also qualified for the… Continue reading Lukoil Akademic vs Bree 79:76 – photos
Author: rob
Me and sport photography
At December the 14th I went to the basketball game between Lukoil Akademik and spain team Estudiantes from Madrid. But, I did not go there as watcher. I photographed This is my first such event and I am satisfied with photographs that I made. I have made some mistakes, but I will try to… Continue reading Me and sport photography
Happy student’s day to bulgarian students
I almost forgot to congratulate all bulgarian students with their holiday: Happy student’s day! description in bulgarian
Blogs and books and stuff
Suddenly I noticed that I am slowly stopping to follow all those IT blogs. There are few forums about IT that I follow (and almost don’t involve) and that’s it. Maybe I am tired of all this, or I just need a long vacation … I still like to do what I do (web programming),… Continue reading Blogs and books and stuff
Studio photos
One of my first photos made in studio:
Spammers, spammers, argh ….
In order to keep number of spam messages low – I stopped shoutbox. I saw that I also receive ‘trackback spam’. Spammers use trackback API of ths blog and post links to their sites. I also receive manually entered spam which is specially designed for this site (or at least they collected info about me).… Continue reading Spammers, spammers, argh ….
Firefox v 1.5 is finished. quote from mozilla site: Here’s what’s new in Firefox 1.5: * Automated update to streamline product upgrades. Notification of an update is more prominent, and updates to Firefox may now be half a megabyte or smaller. Updating extensions has also improved. * Faster browser navigation with improvements to back and… Continue reading Firefox
New photography site on the net
I was thinking about making site for photography for a long time. Actually, it should be photo comunity site. Then, I decided to start blog where I will write about my photo experience. After that, I finally decided to make site where I will post tutorials and information about all photo-related topics. And finally, I… Continue reading New photography site on the net
Don’t worry – I am alive
My last post was on November the 4th. Long time ago. A lot of things did happen in the meantime, but I did not have time to write. I will write later about them – for now, I am stopping the shoutbox. Reasons: – almost noone uses it – i have to delete spam messages… Continue reading Don’t worry – I am alive
Guess who has birthday today